Recipes List

Sunday 11 January 2015

Chocolate Ice Cream

  • 5-6 tablespoons full cream milk powder
  • 200 ml water
  • 2-3 tablespoons condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons grated coconut 
  • 2 almonds finely chopped
  • 2-3 tablespoons sweet chocolate powder/ 2-3 pieces of hard chocolate
  • 1 tablespoon sugar  (optional)
  1.  Add water to a saucepan. Allow it to boil.
  2. Add milk powder, condensed milk, sugar, chocolate powder, grated coconut and almonds.
  3. Let it simmer on low heat for 3-5 mins.
  4. Let it cool down.
  5. Pour mixture into ice cream moulds.
  6.  Sprinkle some granted coconut on top.
  7. Let it freeze for around 4-5 hours before demoulding.
Here you have it! An easy and yummy chocolate ice cream which will make you crave for more!

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