Recipes List

Sunday 11 January 2015

Besan Laddoo

(To make around 20 Laddoos)
  • 3 cups besan
  • 2 cups water
  • A small pinch of yellow food colouring
  • Sugar (according to taste)
  •  Finely sliced Cardamon
  • Ghee
  1. In a large bowl, mix the besan, water and food colouring until it becomes a little smooth batter.
  2. Heat a large pan on low heat.
  3. In the large pan, pour some batter and spread it evenly. It should not be too thick nor thin.
  4. Let it fully cooked on both sides on low heat. It may take at around 7-8 minutes. Remember, it should not have dark or brown spots.
  5. Let it cool to room temperature.
  6. When all of them are ready, grind them with the sugar and cardamon until it becomes a powder.
  7. Transfer it into a large flat utensil and put some melted ghee until consistency is good to mold into balls.
Here you have it!

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